This little book of excerpts from Coming to Our Senses, set against beautiful original graphics by Hor Tuck Loon of Malaysia, is a perfect entrèe and support for a daily mindfulness practice… providing cogent reminders of what we may already know but too soon lose sight of. These 108 selections offer deceptively simple lessons of wisdom and compassion in a contemporary and practical form that can lead to profound healing and transformation, inwardly and outwardly.
To safeguard what precious sanity is available to us on this planet as human beings, we urgently need to learn to rotate in consciousness to a more complete way of seeing and being. How we carry ourselves, each and every one of us, will determine the direction the world takes because, in a very real way, we are the world we inhabit. What we call “the world” is continually being shaped by our participation in everything around us and within us through mindfulness. This is the great work of awareness. Welcome to its threshold — and to the good fortune of arriving at your own door! (From the jacket flap).