This book is meant to be a doorway into the cultivation of mindfulness for both beginners and for those who have a long-standing relationship to the practice of mindfulness. It is accompanied by a CD of five meditations guided by Jon [mindfulness of eating; of breathing; of the body as a whole; of sounds, thoughts, and emotions; and as pure awareness] that, as part of a two-CD set, was the original ground for this book. The material of the introductory CD has been expanded and refined to become the book’s text. It is structured in five parts: Entering; Sustaining; Deepening; Ripening; and Practicing. Brief chapters invite the reader to drink in, explore, and experiment with embodying a range of essential dimensions of mindfulness, including formal meditation practices and the cultivation of mindfulness in everyday life. Since the cultivation of mindfulness in one’s life always follows a non-linear trajectory, it only matters that one begins. The rest unfolds as with any adventure, with a degree of mystery and unknowability, as life itself becomes both the practice and the teacher.

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