2024 | Wherever You Go, There You Are — 30th Anniversary Edition
This edition has a new Foreword and a revised and updated Afterword. The text has been revised throughout where I felt it was appropriate for greater clarity. This book was always meant to be an accessible and commonsensical door into the cultivation of mindfulness, both as a formal meditation practice and as a way of […]
2023 | Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief
A highly color-illustrated book that functions on numerous levels to soothe body and mind and help the reader drop into the present moment, underneath intense sensations in the body and turbulent thoughts in the mind associated with pain. Jon’s earliest studies of the outcome of MBSR described its effectiveness for people suffering with a wide […]
Book 1: Meditation Is Not What You Think
Book 1, Meditation Is Not What You Think, addresses the essence of mindfulness, what it is, where it comes from, and why it is so important. You can think of this book as the what and the why of mindfulness, both in terms of your personal life, and in terms of the planet and the […]
Book 2: Falling Awake
Falling Awake describes various ways to cultivate mindfulness as a formal meditation practice and as a way of being. You could think of it as the how of mindfulness, what it takes to cultivate it in your own life in ways that might be deeply satisfying, meaningful, and ultimately, liberating; or put differently, to engage […]
Book 3: The Healing Power of Mindfulness
The Healing Power of Mindfulness, is about the science of mindfulness and what is known about its potential for handling stress, pain, and illness more effectively, and ultimately, for healing — for coming to terms with things as they are in ways that can be life affirming and transformative, and that take us beyond the […]
Book 4: Mindfulness For All: The Wisdom to Transform the World
Mindfulness For All: The Wisdom to Transform the World, addresses how the practice of mindfulness is applicable and relevant not just to our own individual bodies and wellbeing, but to the body politic and the future of humanity. It addresses the potential realization of mindfulness through our cultivation of everything that has come before in […]
Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting, Revised and Updated
This book, originally published in 1997, was revised and updated in 2014. It makes the practice of mindful parenting as accessible and commonsensical as possible to parents, who inevitably find themselves in a vast landscape of varying conditions and resources. Mindful parenting is not a prescription for how to parent, but an invitation to listen […]
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. Second Edition, Revised and Updated.
![Full Catastrophe Living](https://jonkabat-zinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Full-Catastrophe-Living.jpg)
Second Edition, Revised and Updated This book is the foundation of the curriculum of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a program currently available in over 720 hospitals, and clinics in the U.S. and abroad. It articulates the transformative potential of cultivating mindfulness in one’s own life in the face of stress, pain, and illness, and documents […]
Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins, and Applications
This volume contains a wide range of papers by Buddhist scholars, contemplatives, philosophers, scientists, clinicians, and educators addressing various perspectives on mindfulness. It was originally published as a special issue of a journal, Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 12, 2011. That issue was so popular and sold out so quickly that it was decided to publish its […]
Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment—And Your Life
This book is meant to be a doorway into the cultivation of mindfulness for both beginners and for those who have a long-standing relationship to the practice of mindfulness. It is accompanied by a CD of five meditations guided by Jon [mindfulness of eating; of breathing; of the body as a whole; of sounds, thoughts, […]