The Healing Power of Mindfulness, is about the science of mindfulness and what is known about its potential for handling stress, pain, and illness more effectively, and ultimately, for healing — for coming to terms with things as they are in ways that can be life affirming and transformative, and that take us beyond the confines of our own habitual self-centeredness. In engaging the present moment in this way, even in the face of the unpleasant and the unwanted, a boundless spaciousness within the very nature of awareness itself is revealed. That boundless spaciousness not only recognizes and values the deep interconnectedness of the world, it also reveals new possibilities of being and acting that are intrinsically both freeing and loving. You could think of this book as elaborating the promise of mindfulness, both inwardly and outwardly. That promise is different for each one of us, and the only way to experience it is through throwing yourself into the practice wholeheartedly, as so many scores of thousands of people have done through the vehicle of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) and other mindfulness-based programs now broadly available.

Excerpt may be found at The Infidelity of Busyness

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