This edition has a new Foreword and a revised and updated Afterword. The text has been revised throughout where I felt it was appropriate for greater clarity. This book was always meant to be an accessible and commonsensical door into the cultivation of mindfulness, both as a formal meditation practice and as a way of being in wise relationship to life as it unfolds. Over the decades, I have met many people, young and older, who told me that they had taken it on trips to various remote places around the world at key moments in their lives, or had used it to remind them not to miss the present moment, wherever they found themselves. Many have told me that the book became the foundation for a lifetime of meditation practice and greater moment to moment awareness and embodied wellbeing, even in the face of major challenges. I am gratified and hopeful that this edition will find its way to new generations of readers who are facing the enormous challenges the world is now encountering. May they and all of us benefit from the practices and perspectives offered here, and bring them into the world for the benefit of all life, everywhere, and for the planet itself.